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Sunday, November 27, 2011

I am thankful for...

(I had meant to post this a few days ago, but the camera was not cooperating and I was out of town).

This amazing year and the chance to experience it with my family, including our new bundle of joy.

The ability to spend six months with our beautiful daughter and getting to experience all of her milestones, smiles, silly faces, eating solids for the first time, among other things.

My amazing husband and for all of his support.

The new friends we have made since we moved out of Puerto Rico.

Completing my LL.M. all while I was pregnant during the whole academic year and taking finals and papers just after giving birth to our daughter.

For all the trials and tribulations we have experienced, which have made us stronger and helped us grow immensely.

And for having great friends, almost like family, near us with whom to spend our Thanksgiving Day. Thanks to them, we got to experience Thanksgiving in a traditional Puerto Rican way, like we did at home. In addition, this was Eli's first Thanksgiving Day; though not with my family, it was with very good friends that reminded us of home. Thank you Lord for every new day you give us and all the new experiences!

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."  Psalm 107:1

Here are some pictures of our lovely Thanksgiving Day. 
We got up early to cook a ham in a pineapple glaze that we love in Puerto Rico: jamón con piña. For being my first time, it turn out great! 

While the ham was in the oven,  I decided to make a good Thanksgiving Day breakfast: pumpkin spice pancakes!

They were delicious! In the mean time, we all sat to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade as is tradition. Never again are we going to NYC to watch live. Ask me why. 

This was the amazing Thanksgiving Dinner made of: arroz con gandules (rice with pigeon peas), jamón con piña, pavo (turkey), pernil (pork), yuca al ajillo and salad. All traditional Puerto Rican dishes.  For dessert, there was ricotta cheesecake, pecan pie, homemade pastelillos de guayaba and gelatto.

And Eli had so much fun during her First Thanksgiving! She had her own dinner: sweet potatoes.


  1. Que bello te quedó este blog y que hermosa y feliz se ve mi nieta junto a su bella madre. Dios me los bendiga!!!


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