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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Better safe than sorry! Más vale precaver, que tener que lamentar!

I don't know how many times you have heard that saying before, but I know I heard it countless times while I was growing up. Better do this than have to lament later... my mom would say to me ALL the time! Well, now that I am a mom I understand what she meant (and understand many more things too!).

For me, when it comes to being a good parent and knowing you are doing everything in your power to protect them, is to be up-to-date with safety information, particularly car seat safety. (Then again, it might be because I am a lawyer and that is my mentality) So with that in mind, I have researched and read anything I can about car seat safety to ensure that our darling Eli is safe when we are driving around. And I have heard that NJ drivers are tough, but I mainly think of the Puerto Rican drivers when we go back home!

Since Eli started outgrowing her infant carrier, we researched and decided it was time to change her into a "big girl" car seat and that the best option, following safety recommendations, was our Graco My Ride 65 Convertible Car Seat. Now she can be rear facing until she is at least 2 years old or 40 lbs!!! Some might question our "parenting" or our decision to do this, but if you read the recommendations and look up videos in You Tube of the impact a forward facing child suffers when in a car accident, you might change your mind.

Our pediatrician's office posted this link that I found very useful and wanted to forward to all of you who have kids or are planning on having kids, or if you know people with kids. I think it is very important to have all the correct information for the safety of our kids! - Please share it with your friends!

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