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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 6: Dinner

Today's challenge (I rather say, yesterday's challenge) is dinner! I have to say that dinner is not my favorite meal of the day - BREAKFAST is! Those who know me know that I have an obsession with all things Breakfast. For example, if you ask me what are some great meals at Denny's I will only reply you with breakfast meals and it doesn't matter at what time of the day you ask me!

But going back to the challenge, I made for dinner some couscous with broccoli and cheese. It sounds very complicated, but it's not. I have to confess - I make the boxed ones as I yet have to try to cook couscous as it is. Why couscous? Because we are trying to eat healthier and vary our menu. The Puerto Rican diet is very limited in my opinion: rice, beans, some kind of meat, plantains. I wish the Island could import more healthy foods and different grains, but it is not happening. Thus, while we live in the continental U.S., we will make the best of it!

Here is our dinner.

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