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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February Photo Challenge!

Most of you may not know that I have a love for photography! Ever since I took that class in undergrad for my B.A. in Journalism. And let me tell you, it was not an easy class - the toughest professor, Summer class, at 7:00 A.M. and staying in the lab until 9:00 P.M. (yes, it was the old way to do photographs!) But I did learn a few things about photography like composition, light and technical stuff like aperture, shutter speed and ISO.

Today I was browsing Pinterest when I stumbled upon a photography challenge for the month of February created by Chantelle from Fat Mum Slim. I thought it was a pretty good idea plus I get to take out my camera. So for my sanity amidst the Bar studies, I have decided to join in the challenge starting tomorrow! If you want to join, here's how to:

1. Use the list above as inspiration and take a photo everyday. For example for number one on the list, 'your view today' you'd take a shot of whatever it is that you can see today. This would be a wider shot of your office space, where you went for a walk, or whatever it is that you can see!
2. Share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, your blog or where ever it is you want to share. If you're sharing on Instagram or Twitter use the hashtag #FEBphotoaday so everyone can find them. There's a great community around the photo sharing, so do share!
3. Check out everyone else's pictures. I [Chantelle] do it before I go to bed each night and it's so fun to see how different everyone's photos are. There are people from every corner of the world playing.

Keep checking my blog so you can see my progress!! The challenge is fairly easy, you can join too! :)
I started practicing today with my cutest littlest model! 
Don't forget to check out my store!


  1. I'm participating in mumslims photo a day too! Got your link from the list of them! Liking what I see! Good luck on the challenge!

  2. Thanks! Good luck to you too!! Thanks for visiting :)


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