I have been feeling down these past few days and with reason I would say. But yesterday afternoon, for the 10-15 minutes that my daughter was laughing with me, everything seemed to go away. And how could it not? If you see the smile and laughter that my daughter has I'm sure all your problems or whatever is troubling you, would also go away. That was the highlight of my day: laughing with her and seeing her so happy. Did I mention that I love her to pieces?
I would also like to thank to everyone who reached out to me after the last post. Your comments were greatly appreciated.
P.S. Don't forget to check out my store for all your Holiday shopping!
God Bless!
El amor de madre es algo maravilloso y único. Totalmente diferente a todo lo demás. Ahora sabes cuan grande es mi amor por ti y por tus hermanas. Por eso siempre te digo que disfrutes cada momento con ella. Cada momento que se va nunca vuelve, pero sigue en tu corazón. Ayer, precisamente, hablaba con tu abuela de cuan agradecida estaba de Dios por haber podido compartir con ustedes sus primeros años de vida. Dios sabe lo que hace. Disfruta tu hija al máximo. Dios me las bendiga!!